3月14日,上海英国商会邀请来自APCO Worldwide的嘉宾为我们解读2023年两会的关键动态和中国经济未来走势,以及它们对外资企业在华经营所产生的影响;同时,我们也邀请到来自Invest Shanghai 投资上海的嘉宾介绍上海本地的相关政策更新。继嘉宾分享之后,来自多个行业的企业代表将围绕相关话题开展圆桌讨论。
At the Member Briefing, Chamber members will get first-hand updates on the Chamber’s key activities in 2023 and get acquainted with Chamber staff of membership, marcoms, committees and events, as well as the Chamber’s Executive Committee members.
*This event will be under Chatham house rules and will NOT be recorded.
*BritCham Shanghai reserves the right to alter the above agenda.
In case of cancellation, please kindly note you must email nathalie.xu@britishchambershanghai.cn before 5 pm, 10 March. Due to the service charges of Glueup and online payment platforms, we can only partially refund up to 90% of your ticket price and payment will be processed within 14 days after the event via your original payment method. However, it is non-refundable for cancellation request made beyond the above-mentioned timeframe.
Room 1108, South Tower,
M Place, 333 Chengdu North Rd,
Shanghai, China