‘Tech Tuesday’ event, in collaboration with SingCham
Governing AI for Humanity – United Nations has recently issued the latest report on “Governing AI for Humanity”, what are the implications for our society and our businesses in general?
AI Dilemmas – Insights on Why AI is so VUCA and controversial?
Balanced Development towards Sustainable AI – How do we achieve sustainable development of AI balancing technological innovations, commercialisation for profits and governance for safety and risk managment?
*BritCham Shanghai reserves the right to alter the above schedule at any time.
In case of cancellation, please kindly note you must email yiwen.ling@britishchambershanghai.cn before 5 pm, 20 Oct. Due to the service charges of Glueup and online payment platforms, we can only partially refund up to 90% of your ticket price and payment will be processed within 14 days after the event via your original payment method. However, it is non-refundable for cancellation request made beyond the above-mentioned timeframe.
Ascendas Innovation Place
686 Jiujiang Road, Level 2, Metro, Huangpu District, Shanghai