of Education

The Education Committee supports all levels of British educational development in China and the UK. We work to connect and promote businesses in this sector to support their growth and development. Let’s connect.

Let's Connect

Our purpose

We advocate on behalf of British educational institutions who operate in China or who receive Chinese students in the UK. We actively share knowledge and insights to enable better awareness of education policy and to improve educational development from primary level, all the way through to tertiary, vocational and professional education in China.

Meet our Committee


Paul Farrell
Britannica International School, Shanghai

Vice Chair

Sherry Fu
Managing Director, China, The University of Manchester

Vice Chair

Stuart Perrin
Chief Officer of (Education) Ecology, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)

Vice Chair

Julian Jeffrey
Chief Executive Master, Wellington College China

ExCo Sponsor

Garry Russell
Head of College, Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong


Jenny Cao
CEO, GE5 Education

Garrison Lu Feng
Chairman & National Director, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award China

David Foster
Director of Business Development, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Grace Guan
Regional Director, China and East Asia, Edinburgh Global, University of Edinburgh

Haena Seongsin Kim
Managing Director, WildChina Education

Jeff Wang
Head of School, Business and Management, The Sino-British College, USST

Joe Jones
Director, International Future China

Iain Kilpatrick
Executive Headmaster, YK Pao School

Su Si
Head of Education, China, Department for Business and Trade, British Consulate General Shanghai

David Wang
Head of Partnerships, Education, British Council

Mandy Wong
Business Development Manager (East Asia), City&Guilds

Ronan Williams
Partner, EY

Nathalie Xu
Event Manager, Wellington College International Shanghai

Tiefu Zhao
Business Development Manager (East Asia), University of Southampton

Harriett Gething
Regional Director of Admissions and Marketing, China International Schools, Nord Anglia Education

Popular podcast

Live Lounge Podcast

S4 E1: Higher Education Partnerships Now; Whither or Wither?


The pandemic and changing policies towards China have presented particular challenges to trans-national higher education in China. This episode addresses potential effects over the near to mid-term through discussion at the sector wide level, with some illustrative case studies.

Platinum & Associate Platinum Members

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BritCham Shanghai is an organisation proudly run by its members — for its members. Whether your business is based in China or overseas, we welcome you to be part of our community. Let's connect, and become a member today.